Sustainability Reports

This is the University of Melbourne’s first report under our new Sustainability Plan 2030, launched in May 2022. The report sets the tone for our ambitious, collaborative approach to advancing sustainability, and tells the story of how our University community mobilised for sustainability action in 2022. As we implement the Sustainability Plan 2030 over the next eight years, our reports will track progress towards achieving each of the targets set out in the plan.

We aim to provide our community with clear, honest and transparent commentary on the University’s sustainability performance. This report is informed by Reporting Principles from the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and draws upon the draft standards on sustainability-related financial disclosures and climate- related disclosures developed by the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB). We will continue to evolve our approach to reporting to ensure that future reports accurately capture progress towards sustainability targets.

2022 Sustainability Report - website

2022 Sustainability Report - summary PDF

Sustainability Charter

The Charter articulates our commitment to shaping a sustainable planet and our aspiration to become an exemplar of sustainable community.

Sustainability Plan 2030

The Plan is a roadmap for delivering on the Charter through targets and priorities aligned to the University’s ten-year institutional strategy, Advancing Melbourne.


For queries or to provide feedback on our sustainability framework, please contact us at: