Diversity and inclusion accreditation and reporting

To advance and embed the principles of diversity and inclusion across the University of Melbourne, we participate in the following compliance and accreditation activities:

Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI)

The Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI) is a benchmarking accreditation process to assess LGBTIQA+ inclusion practices in Australian organisations. The University received Bronze accreditation for our submissions to AWEI in 2021 and 2022.

Athena Swan

The University of Melbourne is proud to hold an Athena Swan Bronze Award for our commitment to improve gender equity and diversity at the institution. The award recognises that the University has established a strong foundation for eliminating gender bias and developing an inclusive workplace for staff of all genders, and has created an action plan to build upon opportunities and address identified challenges.

Gender Equality Act

The Gender Equality Act 2020 (Vic.) sets requirements for the Victorian public sector, local councils and universities to take positive action towards gender equality in their policies, programs and services. To date, the University is fully compliant with all requirements of the Gender Equality Act.

Read the University's Gender Equality Action Plan

Read the University's voluntary statement regarding the gender pay gap

Workplace Gender Equality Agency Reporting

The University reports annually to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA), in compliance with the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012.

Read the University’s Response to the WGEA Questionnaire for 2023/2024

View the University’s Workforce Management Statistics for 2023/2024

View the University’s Workplace Profile for 2023/2024

Australian Network on Disability (AND)

The University is a Silver Member of the Australian Network on Disability, and completed AND’s Access & Inclusion Index in preparation for developing the Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2023-2026.

Racism. It Stops with Me

The University has signed up to the Australian Human Rights Commission’s  Racism. It Stops With Me campaign, to recognise the importance of addressing racism within our community.

Social procurement

The University has developed a framework to encourage diversity and inclusion in its supply chain, and has also signed up to Supply Nation and Social Traders.