University of Melbourne welcomes The Conversation to Melbourne Connect

Misha Ketchell, Editor & Executive Director and Lisa Watts, CEO, The Conversation

The University of Melbourne is pleased to announce that global publisher, The Conversation, has joined other founding partners at Melbourne Connect.

Since its inception in a cramped office in inner Melbourne eleven years ago, The Conversation team has grown into an international media organisation with more than 100 editors, millions of readers and editions across the globe.

“We started discussions with the University of Melbourne about being part of Melbourne Connect in the very early stages of the project. The idea of joining an active innovation precinct, with a blend of research, creativity and engagement with the public was very compelling and exactly right for The Conversation,” The Conversation CEO Lisa Watts said.

"The Conversation is an innovative digital media project that grew out of the University of Melbourne and now operates globally with teams in Africa, Indonesia, the UK, US, Canada, New Zealand, France and Spain. Our mission is to share academic knowledge with the wider public and it would be hard to imagine a place to be more in tune with what we want to do than Melbourne Connect. The whole team is very excited about being part of a community of innovators who want to share knowledge and do brave new things. We've only just moved in and already it feels like home," The Conversation Editor & Executive Director Misha Ketchell said.

Professor Eduard Hovy, Executive Director of Melbourne Connect, said, “we are pleased to house The Conversation, a unique collaboration between academics and journalists in one of the world’s leading publishers of research-based news and analysis. Reaching over 63 million globally, the rich intellectual activity at the University of Melbourne and its wider network make Melbourne Connect a natural home for The Conversation."

The Conversation joins a host of thought leaders and innovators to build a powerful network of innovation to solve the next generation of societal challenges.