University of Melbourne renews longstanding partnership with Nanjing University

Acting Vice-Chancellor Professor Nicola Phillips and Vice President Professor Lu Yanqing sign the partnership renewal.
Acting Vice-Chancellor Professor Nicola Phillips and Vice President Professor Lu Yanqing sign the partnership renewal.

The University of Melbourne, led by Acting Vice-Chancellor Professor Nicola Phillips was delighted to welcome the delegation from Nanjing University, led by Vice President Professor Lu Yanqing, on Friday 28 June, and renew the partnership agreement.

The University has enjoyed a university-wide and mutually beneficial partnership with Nanjing University since 2000, which has been renewed multiple times during the 24-year collaboration.  The continuing partnership with Nanjing University has enabled many impactful programs and research opportunities, including the ‘Australia/China Research Network on Planning Global City-Regions’, the ‘Joint Research Centre for Graphene Optoelectronics’. It has enabled more than 50 students to participate in student exchange programs between the two institutions since 2014, fostering intercultural competence and awareness, and global learning.

We value our longstanding partnership, and we look forward to further opportunities to collaborate under the renewed agreement, across research, education and exchange opportunities.

Advancing Melbourne Globally outlines the University’s ambition to lead, convene and collaborate through strategic partnerships on a global scale, and this renewed partnership with Nanjing University is a terrific example of this.