MDHS researcher Dr Rachel McQuade receives Impetus Grant

A portrait image of smiling Dr Rachel McQuade with long brown hair and a pair of glasses
Dr Rachel McQuade has received a highly competitive Impetus Grant.

Dr Rachel McQuade has received a highly competitive Impetus Grant from the USA.

In contrast to the usual grant schemes, Impetus Grants provide funding for scientists to start working on what they consider the most important problems in ageing biology, without delay.

They offer grants of up to $500,000, making decisions within three weeks.

Their review process asks, "What is the potential for impact?" rather than, "Could this go wrong?"

Dr McQuade's project is entitled Harnessing the gut to protect against age-related disease.

Since she joined the Melbourne Medical School's Department of Medicine at Western Health in 2020, her impact and productivity have been outstanding, and she is to be congratulated.

This grant is just one more accomplishment by our local researchers at Medicine Western Health and Australian Institute for Musculoskeletal Science (AIMSS).