Our bold new engineering and design campus at Fishermans Bend will bring research to life at an industrial scale.

The University of Melbourne has purchased a 7.2-hectare site in the heart of the Fishermans Bend Employment Precinct to build a world-class engineering and design campus for large, experimental research, hands-on learning and collaboration with industry.

Planned to open in 2026, Stage 1 of the campus will be a super hub for innovation purpose-built for the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (FEIT) and the Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning (ABP), with space for industry to co-locate.

Large, interactive spaces, state-of-the-art facilities and a vibrant innovation environment will push the boundaries in research and development. Here, industry, students and researchers will work together to solve social and environmental issues affecting the world, for a sustainable and resilient future.

Campus development timeline


Campus co-design opportunity commenced

Late 2023

Contractor procurement commences

Late 2024

Construction commences


Phase 1A research facilities open

Ground-breaking ideas to market-ready solutions

Our new campus will be a place for true experimentation and pilot-testing, at scale and in real time, where we can explore and expand the horizons of what is possible in engineering and design.

Location - Australia's #1 innovation precinct for engineering and design

Fishermans Bend provides a unique opportunity to build a world-class campus alongside industry in the heart of what will become Australia’s leading innovation precinct for advanced manufacturing and design. Located alongside leading Australian companies, the campus will enhance opportunities for researchers and students to connect with industry.

Read more about the Government's plans for Fishermans Bend

Contact us

For more information, email the project team at fishermans-bend@unimelb.edu.au