At a glance

  • # 1 in Australia
  • # 14 in the world in QS World University Rankings
  • # 150+ student nationalities


students (equivalent full-time student load)


staff (full-time equivalent)




total degrees awarded (undergraduate, graduate, higher degree awards)


HERDC research income


alumni mentors


international students





Embrace our place in Australia and the world, partnering in the future of Melbourne as a thriving and sustainable global city

2023 highlights

The University’s new Indigenous strategy, Murmuk Djerring, sets out an ambitious agenda to strengthen the University’s work for and with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, reinforcing its commitment to Indigenous excellence in research and education, and further embedding Indigenous activities across the University.

The University continued to strengthen its partnerships with communities locally and regionally, including contributing its research and expertise to wide-ranging initiatives with the City of Melbourne. In the Goulburn Valley, staff and students worked with partners to address key priorities for the region, including through ongoing development of the Munarra Centre for Regional Excellence.

The University continued to advance recognition of Indigenous knowledge systems globally, convening the 2023 Association of Pacific Rim Universities Indigenous Knowledges Workshop to foster new opportunities for international university collaborations.

The University launched its new Estate Master Plan, an aspirational blueprint for University of Melbourne campuses to ensure they provide inclusive, connected and sustainable environments for future generations of students and staff.

More than 113,000 visitors explored the University’s unique range of museums, galleries, collections and public programs.

A vibrant, diverse and inclusive community, and a destination of choice for talented students and staff

2023 highlights

Culminating in the release of the People Strategy 2023-2030, the University worked hard to address priorities identified by staff as being most important to them, including job security and decasualisation, diversity and inclusion, and leadership development.

Targeted action plans were released to strengthen access and support for people with disability and those in the LGBTIQA+ community, and an anti-racism commitment was published to articulate the University’s active stand against racial discrimination of any kind.

Under the Respect at Melbourne program, the University continued to demonstrate its resolute determination to eliminate sexual misconduct, improve support for victim-survivors, and empower the University community to play an active role in creating a safe and respectful working and learning environment.

The University sought new opportunities to connect with its community of alumni globally, including the launch of the Melbourne Global Alumni Ambassadors Program in India.

University researchers helped inform public knowledge by sharing expert commentary and research through media and engagement on key topics including the Voice to Parliament referendum.

Students at the heart of the University, renowned for their outstanding knowledge, skills and societal influence

2023 highlights

The University’s determined focus on delivering a transformative education to students through its innovative curriculum, the highest quality teaching practice, and comprehensive student support services was formalised in March with the launch of the Advancing Students and Education Strategy.

Through the Melbourne Student Forum, the University is listening to student voices on issues that matter to them, providing student delegates with a direct and effective way of communicating with University leaders.

The new Narrm Scholarship Program will fundamentally change the makeup of the University’s student body through significantly expanded support for students facing barriers to higher education.

The Student Services Transformation program is making significant improvements to the way the University delivers administrative and support services to students.

The Student Health and Wellbeing Digital Hub provides a single source of information, new services and tools for students seeking support.

At the leading edge of discovery, understanding and impact through research

2023 highlights

The University held its inaugural Research Impact Festival in November, providing researchers with new insights into the multitude of pathways available to achieve impact through their research.

The Melbourne Biodiversity Institute was launched, bringing research experts together with governments, private organisations and communities to address biodiversity loss across the world.

Significant progress was made on the development of current and future precincts to support greater collaboration and innovation between University faculties, researchers and industry partners.

A new Doctor of Philosophy in Indigenous Knowledge was launched to support Indigenous PhD candidates and knowledge holders in pursuing vital interdisciplinary research.

A number of major research initiatives were established in 2023.

Lead, convene and collaborate through strategic partnerships on a global scale

2023 highlights

The University’s globally focused curriculum was again embraced by students in 2023, with 2673 students participating in learning programs internationally.

The Bachelor of Science Dual Degree was launched in India, giving Indian students the opportunity to undertake their degree initially at home and then in Melbourne.

The launch of PRIME Engineering in Indonesia builds on programs already under way to bring leading University of Melbourne researchers together with Indonesian universities and government partners to address global challenges.

Expansion of the Schools Engagement Program in India will provide support for 50,000 students in Years 9–12 from underrepresented schools to improve educational outcomes and future career pathways.

The University’s partnership renewal with the China Scholarship Council will support 180 top-ranking graduates from institutions in China to complete a Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Melbourne.