Diversity and Inclusion Sub- Committee

The Diversity and Inclusion Sub-Committee of University Executive has been formed to exercise responsibilities in the oversight and delivery of the Diversity and Inclusion Strategy. Diversity and inclusion are about opening the intellectual enterprise to people prevented from attending because of broader social inequities, and involve creating space, opportunities, entry points, pathways, and support for underrepresented students and staff.

Diversity refers to our commitment to recognise, embrace and increase the representation of different groups and individuals at the University.
Inclusion refers to our practices that support and embody fairness, safety and equality of opportunity to ensure the full participation and advancement of all individuals and groups.

The University of Melbourne’s diversity and inclusion agenda encompasses the entire University community. This means there will be a strong focus on staff diversity, and workplace practices to increase inclusion and encourage diversity. There will be the same strong focus on supporting and celebrating diversity and building inclusion in the student experience, student profile and broader University community.

Further information, including terms of reference and membership, is available on the Staff Hub (Staff Only).