Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Sub- Committee

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Sub-Committee of University Executive provides advice to University Executive on the formulation and oversight of strategies, policies and actions related to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI), including the identification of risks and the coordination of operational matters.

The University of Melbourne's diversity and inclusion agenda encompasses the entire University community. The sub-committee is focused strongly on staff diversity, including equity, and workplace practices to increase inclusion and encourage diversity. It is also focused on student diversity and widening participation, including supporting and celebrating diversity and inclusion in the student experience, student profile and broader University community. The committee will work with the relevant DVC and/or Professional staff lead to implement and monitor the Diversity and Inclusion Strategy and related action plans in areas of gender equity, LGBTIQA+ inclusion, disability inclusion, and anti-racism, as well as intersecting DEI aspects of the Murmuk Djerring, People Strategy, Advancing Students and Education Strategy, and any future strategies/policies related to diversity, equity and inclusion.

Further information, including terms of reference and membership, is available on the Staff Hub (Staff Only).