
Clear, simple and effective delegation of powers and authorities by Council and by the Vice-Chancellor is an important element of the University’s governance framework, providing a structure for decision making and accountability across the University and supporting good management of financial and other key risks.

The Delegations Framework is comprised of the following instruments:

University of Melbourne Act 2009 (Vic)

  • Sets out the powers and functions of Council (including reserved powers) and powers and functions of the Vice-Chancellor and confirms powers or functions can be delegated.
  • Vice-Chancellor’s powers include those conferred upon the Vice-Chancellor under any University statute or University regulation.

Vice-Chancellor Regulation

  • Council confers on the Vice-Chancellor the functions, powers and duties ‘necessary to undertake the leadership, management and administration of the University’.

Council Instrument of Reservation and Delegation (accessible by staff only)

  • Sets out the reserved powers of Council.
  • Delegates functions to Council Committees.
  • Sets out additional delegations in relation to the Commercial Activities Guidelines.

Vice-Chancellor’s Instrument of Delegation and Schedules (accessible by staff only)

  • Delegates functions, powers and duties to University staff.
  • Contains Delegation Rules and guidelines.

Academic Delegations Schedule (accessible by staff only)

  • Delegates Academic Board powers and functions to University committees and individuals.