Professor Jamie Evans

Pro Vice-Chancellor (Students and Education)

The PVC Students and Education leads whole-of-University approaches to education programs and development across Academic and Student Life portfolios, and oversees professional development of academic staff and awards.

Jamie is the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Students and Education) at the University of Melbourne and Professor in Electrical and Electronic Engineering within the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.

In his PVC role Jamie leads whole-of-University approaches to education programs and development in key areas of the Academic and Student Life portfolios. This includes leading the advancement of Discovery Subjects, Capstone Subjects, Breadth Subjects, Work-Integrated Learning programs, and Co-Curricular opportunities for students. His role also supports the professional development of academic staff and recognition of staff through awards and grants.

A graduate of the University of Newcastle and the University of Melbourne, Jamie has held academic positions at the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Sydney and Monash University, as well as the University of Melbourne. Jamie has a passion for education and has taught a wide range of subjects over the years at both undergraduate and graduate level, including many years focused on first year undergraduate teaching. His research interests are in the areas of communications theory, information theory and signal processing with particular focus on wireless networks. Jamie’s previous leadership experience includes Head of Department roles at both the University of Melbourne and Monash University and, most recently as Deputy Dean (Academic) in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Melbourne.



Raymond Priestley Building
The University of Melbourne
Victoria 3010 Australia

Executive Assistant

Julie Ciccone
