Freedom of Information

The Victorian Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) governs how the University of Melbourne is to respond to requests for access to documents it holds.

Freedom of Information (FOI) is a legislative scheme created to promote openness, accountability and transparency by giving the public the right to request access to documents held by Victorian public sector agencies, subject to limited exceptions and exemptions. The University is subject to its provisions as a prescribed agency under the FOI Act.

The Freedom of Information Lead processes requests and provides guidance and advice relating to FOI. The University Secretary is the authorised decision maker under the FOI Act.

The University makes a range of documents available for public access. We may also be able to give you information directly in some instances, without the need for a formal request. Please review the information provided on these webpages before determining how to proceed with your enquiry. You can also contact the Freedom of Information Lead at or by phoning +61 3 8344 8984 for assistance.