People Strategy 2023 – 2030

The People Strategy 2023 - 2030 sets out the commitment to our University community. The strategy outlines the priorities on which we will focus to ensure that we are a workplace that people aspire to join, to work together in a vibrant, diverse, and inclusive community.

The University is its people. The key focus of the People Strategy is staff, and the culture of the University as reflected in the relationships we sustain and the ways we work together, including with students and with others beyond the University. As a community, we are dedicated to achieving the highest levels of excellence in education and research, and to the transformative impact of these for students and the wider communities we serve. In realising this mission, a diversity of views and lived experience are integral to success.

While Advancing Melbourne 2030 articulates the University’s ambition to build and nurture its community of academic and professional staff to serve our dual purpose of education and research, the People Strategy outlines how this ambition will be achieved, harnessing and leveraging Murmuk Djerring, and the Diversity and Inclusion Strategy.

The strategy was developed in consultation with staff across all levels during 2022 and 2023. The priorities outlined in the strategy, across three focus areas, directly respond to the lived experience and aspirations of the University’s staff, including those articulated in the 2023 Staff Experience Survey.

While some of the priorities outlined respond directly to present-day challenges, many also look beyond the immediate horizon to consider the University we want to be in 2030.

Progress in realising the People Strategy will be monitored using a range of metrics, both quantitative and qualitative. This will be integrated, as appropriate, with the monitoring of the Murmuk Djerring and Diversity and Inclusion strategies. Noting the dynamic nature of the People Strategy, a structured review will be undertaken in three years to monitor progress across the institution.

For this strategy to succeed, we must commit, as a community, to shared ownership and responsibility for its success.

Overview of the strategy

The People Strategy focuses on the following three core areas with sub-themes and specific priorities under each area:

  • A community designed to deliver our academic mission
    • Transform our workforce
    • Enhance collaboration and evolve academic and professional roles
    • Foster new, collaborative ways of working, harnessing technology
  • A thriving, fair and diverse University
    • Increase diversity and embed equality of opportunity
    • Amplify belonging and support staff to thrive
  • Next Generation Leadership
    • Support leadership development for all staff

The strategy marks the University’s resolution to value and realise the potential of all staff, and continue to build a thriving, inclusive, and equitable workplace, united by our common purpose.