Council meeting 6 December 2023

Vice-Chancellor’s Report

Council noted the Vice-Chancellor’s Report, including an update on the Vice-Chancellor’s 2023 Forum (which had discussed Academic Freedom and the implementation of the Advancing Students and Education Strategy) and on the Narrm Oration, delivered on 23 November 2023 by Akawyan Pakawyan, senior leader of the Indigenous Pinuyumayan people in Taiwan. Council noted the Vice-Chancellor’s appointment as Chair of the Australia-India CEO Forum’s Joint Working Group on education, qualifications, and standards.

President of Academic Board’s Report

The President of the Academic Board reported on the Academic Board Member Self-Assessment Survey results. Council discussed the Escalated Student Complaints 2022 Annual Report, including trend analysis and areas for improvement.

Financial Matters

Council approved the 2024 University-level Operating Budget, 2024 Capital Plan, and 2024 Subsidiary Company Budgets, all of which had been endorsed by the Finance Committee.

Performance Reporting

Council discussed the October 2023 Report on the Advancing Melbourne Performance Framework, including new targets aligned with the University’s 2023 Risk Appetite. Discussions focused on Indigenous staffing targets, food insecurity, University priority projects, and diversity and inclusion.

Council also noted the Indigenous Outcomes Performance Report 2022/2023.

Graduations Update

Council discussed the implementation of the Graduations review recommendations, incorporating the inclusion of a smoking ceremony before the first of the December ceremonies, a Welcome to Country screened at each ceremony, and increased staff and student involvement.

Australian Institute for Infectious Diseases Update

Council discussed an update on the Australian Institute for Infectious Diseases, a collaboration involving world-leading medical research and public health organisations in Victoria to protect Australia and the region against infectious diseases and future pandemics.

Cultural Commons Update

Council noted the Museums and Collections Impact report and discussed the Cultural Commons program of work. The Director Performing Arts reported on the Performing Arts Strategic Plan.

Committee Business

Council Committee reports from the Finance, Gift, Governance and Nominations, and Audit and Risk Committees were noted.

The next Council meeting will be held on 13 March 2024.

Jane Hansen AO