Design Standards


The University of Melbourne’s Design Standards are to be used by consultants and University staff involved in the design and development of the University’s built environment. The Design Standards provide an essential link between the University’s strategic objectives and the built form that assists in delivering those objectives.

The Design Standards set out the minimum requirements for the design and construction of the University’s physical infrastructure.

The Design Standards ensure our facilities are:

  • High quality and fit-for-purpose
  • Functional, durable and serviceable
  • Flexible and able to be easily adapted to accommodate growth and change
  • Sustainable and constructed from environmentally preferable materials
  • Energy and resource efficient
  • Safe and secure environments for students, staff and visitors
  • Value for money over the life-cycle.


The Design Standards are to be used in conjunction with all applicable legislation, regulations, Australian Standards, and other relevant accepted industry good practice.

Design consultants are responsible for ensuring all relevant requirements are incorporated into a project’s design. Due to the nature of the University’s activities, some buildings are subject to regulations or codes that are not normally encountered in typical construction projects.

Compliance with the requirements of the University's Design Standards is mandatory and prescribe minimum standards. However, it’s expected that design consultants working with us will freely offer creative solutions and alternative products, materials and methods which support the University as an organisation at the global forefront of education and research.

The process for review and sign off on any request for a variance from the Design Standards is explained on the Modification Request Form. Consultants must obtain approval to a variance request before incorporating the requested change into the project design.

In addition to providing documentation which is compliant with the Design Standards, the design consultant is responsible for verifying compliance at project completion.


The following forms are required to be used by project designers and contractors:


The Design Standards are regularly updated to incorporate new products, materials, construction methods and the learnings gained from recently completed projects. Regular updates to the Design Standards will also be made to incorporate information about changes to the built form that may result from new University strategic objectives.

Contact us

Comments and feedback are always welcome. Please use the following link to help us improve the Design Standards: